Thursday, November 7, 2013


29 of October, 2013

To continue with the process of intervention in the community of Pusir Grande.

Specific Objectives

             1 .  To compile technical data about the structure of the computer center.
.                        2 .    To introduce the executive committee to the community


Compiling the data on the construction.

The civil engineer, Cosme Yepez carried out the compilation of the following data: the space between the columns, the width of the roof, the union between the concrete columns and the metalic columns, the type of materials used for the structure of the construction.

The preliminary conclusion  once the data was analyzed is that the finishing of the computer center is viable. The aforementioned data are in the adjoining document that was solicited by EMI.

The Presentation of the Executive Committee of FEDICE
With the objective of bettering the processes of intervention in the communities, the members of the executive committee of FEDICE (Technologist Sebastián Caiza -    Executive President, Civil Engineer Cosme Yépez  - Secretary, Pastor: Gabriel Mugmal – Committee Member), visited the beneficiaries of this Project. The central purpose was to know who are the beneficiaries, the destination of the reimbursable fund, and what are their expectations from the Project. 

The beneficiaries expressed the following: “we are grateful for the confidence of Danny and FEDICE...( ), We are women who work, and we struggle day by day to take home the bread for our homes…( ). The credit of 200.00 dollars apeice is very useful, we have used it to finance our comercial activities.  The help we have received is a seed that we are going to take care of so that it will grow and produce fruits”.

The executive president of FEDICE, Technologist. Sebastián Caiza manifests that it is a pleasure to get to know them and he hopes that all the planned activities will be carried out with success. Our companion Sebastián shared with them the experiences of the work (help with constructions and the creation and fortifying of organizations), that FEDICE has been doing since 1994.  He also emphasized that FEDICE does not base its work on distinction of religion, but that the labor of the foundation is based on the solidarity of human beings. 

Pastor Gabriel Mugmal, the committee member, voiced his motivation in that everything that the women do, that they do in the name of God.  “Faith in God should unify us to do everything better.”. Our companion Gabriel promises to visit them and help them with the raising of animals.

Finally, the women expressed their gratefulness for the visit of the Executive committee, and hope that the help given to them will continue.

Extra Activity 

With respect to the football team, I met with three of the members.  They were reminded of the promise which they assumed with Pastor Danny Coach (To preserve in good condition the central park of Pusir Grande). 

Elaborated by:
Economist. Alejandro Pacheco

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