Thursday, January 23, 2014

San Francisco

Fiesta de Navidad en San Francisco

Cada año el equipo de Fedice organiza los programas de Navidad para los centros infantiles con los que estamos trabajando.
Este año no fue la excepción, y gracias a Dios contamos con el aporte de hermanos y hermanas de Estados Unidos que generosamente aportaron para la compra de caramelos y  juguetes.
En el centro infantil en San Francisco, este año fue mucho más especial pues ahora ellos llevan el nombre de Víctor Vaca, quien como todos sabemos, fue uno de los fundadores de Fedice.
El centro infantil estaba lleno de niños, niñas de sus padres de sus madres, todos rebosantes de alegría , era un día muy especial, era el día de la celebración de la Navidad , para compartir, para jugar, para recibir caramelos y juguetes.

Cada una de las maestras muy hábilmente y con mucha paciencia habían organizado presentaciones con sus grupos, habían papa Noel, mana Noel, duendes, enanitos. Realmente fue muy hermoso ver la dedicación y empeño que habían puesto para la organización de este evento.
Uno a uno fue presentando sus números, algunos con timidez, con miedo, otros con mucha confianza pero todos muy alegres.

Las madres que trabajan en el centro habían organizado un relato del cuento de los tres chanchitos y el lobo, llevando coloridos disfraces iban narrando el cuento y cautivando a niños y adultos. Dejando un mensaje “Todo lo que hacemos con paciencia y bien hecho” finalmente es un buen trabajo.

Un buen grupo de personas en representación de la familia Vaca, trajeron la alegría y diversión para los pequeños, un duende, papa Noel y algunos personas disfrazadas con varias actividades llenaron de entrenamiento y diversión el lugar.

 Luego de las presentaciones y de las palabras de las personas adultas e incluso de los niños, llego el momento más esperado la entrega de los caramelos y de los juguetes uno a uno recibía sus obsequios que dibujaban amplias sonrisas en sus rostros. 
Gracias a las personas que hicieron posible estos momentos y gracias a Dios por su generosidad para compartir con los niños.



                Blanca Puma Martinez
             Directora Ejecutiva de Fedice

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

San Francisco



Blanca Puma. The Executive Director of F edice shares the toys and candies with the kids. 

Blanca Puma. The Executive Director of F edice shares little gifts with the communitarian mothers from the Day Care Center.  
Digna Chacha, the president of the women organization in San Francisco shares the toys and candies with the kids from the Day Care.
The mothers from the Day Care Center sharing this nice day with their kids.  
 Marco, Fedice’s technician engineer and fathers participate in the activities during the program.

Parents sharing the happiness of this day
 Some of the members from Vaca’s family participated in this event.   

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Christmas Party in San Francisco

Each year Fedice’s team organizes the Christmas programs on the day care centers where we are working.

This year was no exception, and thanks God we have the support of brothers and sisters from the United States who generously contributed to the purchase of candy and toys.
In the children's center in San Francisco, this year was even more special because now they have the Victor Vaca;s name, who as you know, was one of the founders of Fedice
The day care center was full of children, their parents, their relatives, all overjoyed, it was a very special day, was the day of the celebration of Christmas, a day to share, to play and the day to receive candies and toys.

Each of the teachers skillfully and patiently had organized presentations with their groups, there were: Santa Claus, Santa’s wife, elves, dwarfs. It was really beautiful to see the dedication and effort they had put in organizing this event.One by one they were presenting their numbers, some shyly, afraid, others with confidence but all very happy.

The mothers who work in the center had organized a fairy tale of the three little pigs and the wolf; wearing colorful costumes were narrating the story and captivating to the children and adults. Leaving a message "Everything we do with patience and well done" is finally a good job.

A big group of people representing the Victor Vaca’s family, brought joy and fun for the children, an elf, Santa Claus and some people dressed in various training activities and fun filled place.
After the presentations and words of adults and even children, came the most anticipated delivery time candies and toys one to one received their gifts that drew big smiles on their faces.
Thanks to the people who made these moments and thanks God for your generosity in sharing with children. Thanks because you did possible these wonderful memories.

                     Blanca Puma Martinez
                Executive Director of Fedice
                        Quito - Ecuador

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Women’s Group of Pusir: Christmas Party

Thanks to gifts from Bridging Cultures, the group of women who have received reimbursable funds had a Christmas celebration.
The small group from FEDICE (Hugo, Luis, Sebastian, Marilyn and Glenn) arrived in the afternoon as planned for the regular monthly meeting with the women’s group. Usually this meeting includes some training, but for December, it was all about “Party!”. Cheese squares, pieces of hot dog, chips, soft drinks, and brown sugar coated peanuts were spread on platters across two tables spread with a plastic cover.

First, a few games were played. Musical chairs were one. Some of the women got really competitive, yanking chairs away from each other when the music stopped.

Another was “which pair of persons can hold the tomato between their heads the longest”. Laughter was present, but subdued, except during the games.

Food was passed out and a bag of treats was given to each participant. The children and youth of the area played outside, shouting and rollicking on the playground of their school where the women’s group meets. When the FEDICE group first arrived, the children lined up to receive gifts. But, this trip was not for them. It was for the women of the community.
Pusir is isolated, across the river from the highway. There is a 5 kilometer dirt road and a pedestrian bridge that connects them to two different places along the highway. There is no bus service to Pusir and few residents own cars. There is no industry, very few shops, and few jobs except farm related work. The houses are small; some are painted. The surrounding valley and hills are green with different planted crops. The yards of the houses are dirt. Thanks to Bridging Cultures, there are some plants in the town square and different people in the community have pledged to give them water in exchange for new sneakers.

FEDICE and Bridging Cultures are about bringing hope and justice to communities. One cannot arrive, spread hope, and leave in a few visits with the result being a changed community. I told Glenn, my husband, that it is depressing here. He gently reminded me that that is why FEDICE and Bridging Cultures are here. A change in attitude takes time. Better income and jobs take time. Hope for the children of the future takes time.
Some of the women brought different fruits and vegetables from their farm patches. These were thank you/Christmas gifts to us. It was a pleasure to receive them.

With continued activity by both FEDICE and Bridging Cultures, there is a better chance that that time has come. Maybe, just maybe, we all will make a difference for this beautiful, but poor place. A poor community is one thing, but to lack spirit, a proud culture, and little hope is surely a very sad place. Thanks for your prayers for Pusir, FEDICE, and Bridging Cultures that a time for positive change will come.

La FEDICE comparte por esta fecha  en los Centros Infantiles, dando alegría a los 40 niños  de edades entre 1-4 años.
Blanquita comparte los juguetes y caramelos con los niños

Blanquita comparte  los regalos  con la coordinadora y con las madres comunitarias del Centro Infantil.

La presidenta de la Organización de mujeres de San Francisco comparte las navidades con los niños del centro Infantil.

La presencia de los padres de familia  para recibir las navidades de Blanquita

Participación  delos padres de familia y personal de FEDICE en los juegos  por la navidad.

Padres de familia compartiendo la alegría de la navidad en el  Centro Infantil.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Me gustaría compartir con ustedes lo que usted y su congregación ayudó a hacer. Nosotros tuvimos la fiesta de Navidad con los niños del centro infantil en Pijal. Gracias de nuevo por compartir la alegría de la Navidad en la comunidad de Pijal central.
Sumac Wasi , el centro de desarrollo infantil que ustedes ayudaron a construir este verano pasado, estaba lleno de alegría, lleno de niños en edad preescolar y sus madres y abuelas y hermanos e incluso algunos padres, llenos de alegría de la Navidad . 
Usted pintó las paredes en tonos pastel, un artista local ha añadido diseños de dibujos animados, los maestros realmente se preocupan por sus actividades.

FEDICE trajo hermosos regalos envueltos y una bolsa de dulces para cada niño en edad preescolar y sus maestros. Pero antes de llegar a eso, ¿alguna vez has notado que la gente en Ecuador sabe cómo organizar una fiesta? Esta no fue la excepción. 
Sí, la escuela estaba preciosa, pero todavía carece de un piso y puertas adecuadas para el edificio y las habitaciones. Ahora, piezas de madera son suficientes para mantener a la gente y los animales cuando el edificio no está en uso. Y el piso de concreto es mejor que la suciedad o barro (en días de lluvia), pero oh para un suelo de baldosas que se puede mantener más limpio. Después de las presentaciones de Blanca, Sebastián, Luis y yo, de la introducción de la madrina de la escuela, Encarnación, y varias otras personas importantes involucradas con la escuela, la primera presentación fue un regalo de dinero de FEDICE para completar el trabajo y agregar las puertas. Todos ustedes ayudaron a que esto suceda con su amor y su participación en este lugar. Usted ayudó a inspirar a otra iglesia y las personas para hacer un regalo a FEDICE que se ha transmitido a la pre - escuela.

OK, así que era algo que los padres realmente pueden apreciar, pero ¿qué hay de los niños? Cantamos una canción de Navidad, bailamos, jugamos juegos divertidos. ¿Te imaginas un Blanca con los ojos vendados, directora ejecutiva de FEDICE, tratando de poner el yogur en una boca de una de las mujeres de la comunidad, al mismo tiempo, la mujer con los ojos vendados trató de poner yogur en la boca de Blanca? Toda la habitación no estaba cubierta de yogur, pero se puede imaginar que dos rostros estaban cubiertos.

Tal vez usted esté familiarizado con la canción algo parecido a: Manos fuera, pulgar hacia arriba, cabeza hacia atrás, hombros hacia arriba, piernas flexionadas, lengua afuera, dar  la vuelta. Imagine lo que un grupo de adultos se parece en esta posición a bailar al ritmo de la música.

Los niños jugaban a las sillas musicales, algunas madres participaron en una carrera llevando agua en sus manos para ver quién podría llenar una botella de Coca Cola con agua primero . Como se pueden imaginar, la habitación se llenó de risas y vítores para los participantes.

Después de la diversión, FEDICE entregó sus regalos de Navidad y dulces para los niños en edad preescolar. Pero una de las mejores sorpresas fue entregar dulces a personas ancianas (tercera edad), las abuelas, y cuando cada uno se le dio una bolsa de dulces gracias a ti. ¿Cuántas veces nos olvidamos de celebrar los sabios y ancianos que tanto ha hecho por nosotros en el pasado?

Luego la comida fue compartida: un plato lleno de papas, maíz , un pedazo de pollo y una chuleta de cerdo.
Era demasiado para una sola persona, pero a comer y a disfrutar de la celebración del nacimiento de Jesús, y la alegría y el amor de sus hijos.
Ustedes son grandes! Muchas gracias por ayudarnos a hacer que todo esto suceda. Y tal vez la próxima vez, que todos pueden venir y disfrutar de la fiesta también.

Marilyn Cooper
Voluntaria con FEDICE



I would like to share with you what you and your congregation helped to make happen on the Christmas Party. And thanks again for your part in sharing the joy of Christmas in the community of Pijal Central, Imbabura, Ecuador.
Sumac Wasi, the pre-school you helped build this last summer, was full of joy, full of preschoolers and their mothers and grandmothers and siblings and even some fathers, full of Christmas cheer.  You painted the walls in pastels, a local artist has added cartoon designs, and the teachers truly care about their charges.

FEDICE brought beautiful wrapped presents and a bag of sweets for each preschooler and their teachers.  But before we get to that, have you ever noticed that the folks in Ecuador know how to throw a party?  This was no exception.

Yes, the school is lovely, but still lacks an appropriate floor and doors to the building and rooms.  Now, pieces of plywood suffice to keep people and animals out when the building is not in use.  And the concrete floor is better than dirt or mud (on rainy days) but oh for a tile floor that can be kept cleaner.  After introductions of Blanca, Sebastian, Luis and me, of introductions of the Godmother of the school, Encarnacion, and several other important people involved with the school, the first presentation was a gift of money from FEDICE to complete the floor and to add the doors.  You all helped make this happen with your love and involvement in this place.  You helped inspire another church and individuals to make a gift to FEDICE that has been passed on to the pre-school.

OK, so that was something the parents could really appreciate, but how about the children?  We sang a Christmas song, we danced, and we played funny games.  Can you imagine a blindfolded Blanca, FEDICE’s executive director, trying to put yogurt into a local woman’s mouth at the same time the local, blindfolded woman tried to get yogurt into Blanca’s mouth?  The whole room was not covered in yogurt, but you can imagine that two faces were covered.
Maybe you are familiar with the song something akin to: Hands out (Hands out); thumbs up (thumbs up); head back (head back); shoulders up (shoulders up); legs bent (legs bent); seat out (seat out): tongue out (tongue out); turn around.  Imagine what a group of adults look like in this position dancing to the beat of the music.

The children played musical chairs, some of the mothers had a relay race carrying water in their hands to see who could fill up a coke bottle with water first.  As you might imagine, the room was filled with laughter and cheering for the participants.

After the fun, FEDICE gave your Christmas gifts and sweets to the preschoolers.  And the community passed out sweets to the older children present.  But one of the best surprises was the line-up of those of tercer edad (third age), the grandmothers, and when each was given a bag of sweets thanks to you.  How often do we forget to celebrate the wise and aged who did so much for us in the past?

After all of this, food was shared: a plate filled with potatoes, corn on the cob, a piece of chicken and a thin pork chop.  It was almost too much for one person to eat, but they did eat and enjoy the celebration of Jesus’ birth, and the joy and love of their children.
You guys are great!  Thanks so much for helping to make it all happen.  And maybe next time, you all can come and enjoy the celebration too.
Marilyn Cooper
Volunteer with FEDICE

December 17, 2013


43 women of the Peace, Development and Equality Organization.


Sebastian Caiza – president of the foundation

Luis Jara – volunteer

Marilyn Cooper – volunteer

Glenn Hebert – volunteer

Alejandro Pacheco – coordinator of projects FEDICE


To celebrate Christmas with the women of the “Peace, Development and Equality” Organization of de Pusir Grande.

1. Previous to the beginning of the Christmas festival, the women arranged the classroom for the meeting in a very responsible manner. They cleaned the classroom, arranging the tables with White tablecloths. In addition, they helped to putt the goodies in the trays. I can say that Little by Little the women are getting better at participating, and we are seeing the enthusiasm that they show in collaborating and getting involved in the activities that are carried out in Pusir.
2. The meeting began with a welcome speech by Mrs. Oberlisa Ogonaga, president of the women’s group, who expressed appreciation for the good will to share with them.

3. Sebastian Caiza, president of the executive committee of FEDICE, expressed that he is very happy that the women of Pusir are working together to change the situation of poverty and marginalization which exists in Pusir.

Hugo manifests that FEDICE, in representation of Pastor Danny Coach, are present with some goodies and bags of candies for the organization of women of Pusir. Today’s program is the result of their good work and cooperation and that above all it shows the appreciation that Pastor Danny has for the women of Pusir.

There was an absence of 4 of the women due to their work. 43 of the 47 women were present.

4. They played 4 games during the program. Each game was lead by a member of the FEDICE team.

Game no. 1 “The dance of the chair”
Responsible: Luis Jara

Game no. 2, “The dance of the tomato”
Responsible: Sebastian Caiza

Game no. 3, “The race of the guayaba”
Responsible: Sebastian Caiza and Luis Jara

The prize for each game was a sack of candies. There were 6 winners in all (one in the chair dance, two in the tomato dance, one in the guayaba race, and two in the riddles.

5. Giving out the bags of candies. Marilyn, Sebastian and Luis handed out the 50 bags of candies. The women who were not present were represented by their families.

6. Participation of the women. As part of the culture of the village of Pusir, the women gave us various baskets of the fruits that they produce in the área. They said, “You bring us what you have in Quito with such good will, and we want to Exchange with you what we produce in Pusir. Finally they gratefully acknowledged the good gesture extended by Pastor Danny Coach and as always they ratified their promise to not defraud the confidence which has been deposited in them.

7. Other activities

7.1. The check of 500 dollars was not given to Lic. Monica Guamialama due to the fact that in days before we had solicited the list of all the students who had been trained and the themes of the investigations that the students are carrying out, nevertheless we have not received the aforementioned document. By virtue of that fact, we have not given her the check, as the agreement was that she would give us the documents and we would give her the check.

7.2. We did not receive the list of medicines that are needed in the health center. We think that the doctors had left a few hours prior to our arrival.

7.3. In the meeting with the women, we announced the visit of Samie Sadel with a group of 6 people for March 8th to the 14th of 2014

By Hugo Pacheco