Monday, November 25, 2013

Information Gathering

Rev. Daniel (Danny) Couch and Samantha (Sammy) Sadel, representing Bridging Cultures, visited Ecuador November 18-24.  Danny is a pastor at Central Christian Church in Weatherford, Texas, and Sammy is a member of the same church.  Central Christian Church is one of eight churches in Texas and Arkansas that support Bridging Cultures.   Their focus at the moment is partnering with the citizens of Pusir Grande in the Chota Valley of Ecuador to exchange cultural experiences in order to increase understanding between vastly different cultures.  There is also a component of aid.

The purpose of this week's trip was to plan and prepare for two groups Bridging Cultures will be sending to Pusir Grande in March, during spring vacation in the US.  They have partnered with FEDICE and are receiving valuable assistance and guidance as to how to organize and work with villages in Ecuador toward goals of self-sufficiency and alleviating poverty.  FEDICE, for its part, is very gratified to be able to help serve an Ecuadorian population with which they have not worked with in the past.

Marilyn Cooper and Glenn Hebert, volunteers with FEDICE, met Danny and Sammy on Monday night at the airport in Quito and drove them to their home to spend the night in Otavalo.  Following breakfast on Tuesday morning, Marilyn took Danny and Sammy to visit two of the preschools where she teaches English for FEDICE.  Marilyn normally teaches a total of four classes in three different preschools on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Sammy in particular loved this activity.  Though she teaches high school English, she also loves to be around little children.  She said that she could have stayed there all day!

But Marilyn was also determined to show them a little of the tourism of Otavalo.  As soon as they returned, they hiked over to Peguche Falls from Marilyn and Glenn's house, despite the fact that members of the FEDICE team had already arrived for a scheduled lunch at the house.  Glenn was assigned to entertain those who chose not to walk to the falls.

After lunch with Blanca Puma, Hugo Pacheco, Lisa Renz, and Luis Jara Roman, all from FEDICE, everyone drove to Pusir Grande in the Chota Valley.  This community is very poor.  It doesn't receive much from the various government entities.  It is almost entirely agricultural.  But, with the aid of Bridging Cultures and FEDICE, the community is transforming itself from a collection of people who didn't have much hope and didn't really work with each other, to an organized, vibrant community that is learning how to better provide for themselves and that is developing greater self-esteem and pride in their work.

Leader Of The Women's Group, Obelisa, Speaking 
With the blessing of Bridging Cultures  and their contribution of funds, FEDICE organized a group of 47 women in the community to create and implement a money-making project.  Each participant was given $200, to be reimbursed to FEDICE at the end of one year.  If everything goes well, and FEDICE is reimbursed after one year, each participant will be eligible to receive larger amounts of money in order to expand or implement new projects.

Besides the projects, the group has also been taught how to save as a cooperative unit.  This will aid them when future emergencies arise, be it a sick member, a dead animal that needs to be replaced, etc.  This process developed by FEDICE has been very successful in other communities.  In fact, one community now has a fund of $70,000 and FEDICE therefore no longer needs to work with them.

The group of women in Pusir meets with a representative of FEDICE, usually Hugo Pacheco, once a month.  This month the meeting was scheduled to coincide with Danny and Sammy's visit.  Many of the women explained their projects and how they were making, and expected to make, differences in their lives.

Lisa Renz has expertise in making perfumes, a meat enhancer, and a cream used by mechanics and others to cleanse their hands of grease.  She offered to teach the group how to make and sell these things.  They enthusiastically accepted the offer.

Discussing Completion Of Building
When it was Danny's turn to speak, he told the group about a group of women in his own church.  The women in Texas have heard about the women in Pusir and have decided to organize along the same lines.  He pointed out that the group of women in Pusir should be extremely proud of themselves because they have inspired a like-minded group in the US.

After the meeting, Danny, Sammy, Blanca, Lisa, Hugo, and Luis went to a nearby hotel because they would have more meetings with the citizens of Pusir on Wednesday morning.  Marilyn and Glenn drove back to Otavalo, dropping off Cosme Yepéz at his home in Ibarra.  Cosme is a FEDICE board member and a civil engineer.  He had come to share his expertise on a building that Bridging Cultures is helping to build in Pusir Grande.  It will function as a place to teach shop and computer science.

Besides the meetings in Pusir on Wednesday, there was another reason for Sammy and Danny to stay overnight.  They delivered medical supplies donated by Bridging Cultures to the medical center in Pusir Grande.  These consisted of medicines and vitamins for the children.

Danny Couch (right) Presenting Medical Supplies
On Wednesday afternoon everyone met again at the home of Marilyn and Glenn.  The purpose of this meeting was for FEDICE Board President Sebastian Caiza to share the philosophy of FEDICE, and also provide more in-depth information about the organization.  When Sebastian finished his presentation, the floor was thrown open for an exchange of ideas.  When Sammy learned that Sebastian's community has a summer camp for kids, she immediately began thinking about how this could happen in Pusir Grande.  She teaches at an international boarding school and knows the value of cultural exchange.  A great idea that Sammy had was to bring the Pusir Grande children to meet the children of San Rafael/Tocagón (where Sebastian lives) and/or vice versa.  It was a very productive meeting.

Danny and Sammy had more meetings with FEDICE on Thursday.  After that, they did a little sight seeing on Friday and Saturday before heading back home on Sunday.  We at FEDICE wish them well and trust that their visit was productive.

--Glenn Hebert

Thursday, November 7, 2013


29 of October, 2013

To continue with the process of intervention in the community of Pusir Grande.

Specific Objectives

             1 .  To compile technical data about the structure of the computer center.
.                        2 .    To introduce the executive committee to the community


Compiling the data on the construction.

The civil engineer, Cosme Yepez carried out the compilation of the following data: the space between the columns, the width of the roof, the union between the concrete columns and the metalic columns, the type of materials used for the structure of the construction.

The preliminary conclusion  once the data was analyzed is that the finishing of the computer center is viable. The aforementioned data are in the adjoining document that was solicited by EMI.

The Presentation of the Executive Committee of FEDICE
With the objective of bettering the processes of intervention in the communities, the members of the executive committee of FEDICE (Technologist Sebastián Caiza -    Executive President, Civil Engineer Cosme Yépez  - Secretary, Pastor: Gabriel Mugmal – Committee Member), visited the beneficiaries of this Project. The central purpose was to know who are the beneficiaries, the destination of the reimbursable fund, and what are their expectations from the Project. 

The beneficiaries expressed the following: “we are grateful for the confidence of Danny and FEDICE...( ), We are women who work, and we struggle day by day to take home the bread for our homes…( ). The credit of 200.00 dollars apeice is very useful, we have used it to finance our comercial activities.  The help we have received is a seed that we are going to take care of so that it will grow and produce fruits”.

The executive president of FEDICE, Technologist. Sebastián Caiza manifests that it is a pleasure to get to know them and he hopes that all the planned activities will be carried out with success. Our companion Sebastián shared with them the experiences of the work (help with constructions and the creation and fortifying of organizations), that FEDICE has been doing since 1994.  He also emphasized that FEDICE does not base its work on distinction of religion, but that the labor of the foundation is based on the solidarity of human beings. 

Pastor Gabriel Mugmal, the committee member, voiced his motivation in that everything that the women do, that they do in the name of God.  “Faith in God should unify us to do everything better.”. Our companion Gabriel promises to visit them and help them with the raising of animals.

Finally, the women expressed their gratefulness for the visit of the Executive committee, and hope that the help given to them will continue.

Extra Activity 

With respect to the football team, I met with three of the members.  They were reminded of the promise which they assumed with Pastor Danny Coach (To preserve in good condition the central park of Pusir Grande). 

Elaborated by:
Economist. Alejandro Pacheco

29 de octubre del 2013
Continuar con el proceso de intervención  en la comunidad de Pusir Grande.

Objetivos específicos
            1 .    Recopilar datos técnicos de la estructura del centro de cómputo.
                  2 .    Propiciar el acercamiento del comité ejecutivo hacia la comunidad.


                  1.    Recopilación de datos construcción.

El Ingeniero Cosme Yépez realizó la recopilación de los siguientes datos:

Separación entre columnas, ancho de losa, unión entre columnas de concreto y columnas metálicas, tipo de materiales utilizados para la estructura de la construcción.  

La conclusión preliminar una  vez analizado los datos es: la continuación de los acabados del actual centro de cómputo es viable

2. Acercamiento comité ejecutivo FEDICE

Con el objeto de mejorar los procesos de intervención en las comunidades, los miembros del comité ejecutivo de FEDICE (Tlg. Sebastián Caiza -    Presidente Ejecutivo, Ing. Cosme Yépez  - Secretario, Pastor: Gabriel Mugmal – Vocal), visitaron a las beneficiarias de este proyecto. El propósito central fue conocer quiénes son las beneficiarias, el destino del fondo reembolsable, cuáles son sus expectativas del proyecto. 

Las beneficiarias expresaron lo siguiente: “agradecemos la confianza  de Danny y de FEDICE... ( ), Nosotras somos mujeres de trabajo, que luchamos día a día. Para llevar el pan a nuestras casas… ( ). El crédito de 200.00 dólares recibido por persona es muy útil, lo hemos utilizado para financiar nuestras actividades de comercio. La Ayuda recibida es una semilla que vamos a cuidarla para que crezca y de sus frutos”.

El presidente ejecutivo de FEDICE Tlg. Sebastián Caiza manifiesta que es un gusto conocerlas y espera que todas las actividades planificadas se cumplan con éxito. El compañero Sebastián compartió con ellas las experiencias del trabajo (apoyo a construcciones y creación y fortalecimiento de organizaciones)  que FEDICE viene realizando desde 1994, hace hincapié en que FEDICE no basa su trabajo en distinción de religión, sino que la labor de la fundación es en base de la solidaridad del ser humano.

El pastor Gabriel Mugmal, vocal del comité ejecutivo motivó para que todas las actividades que ellas realicen, lo hagan en el nombre de dios. “La fe en dios nos debe unir para hacer las cosas mejor”.
El compañero Gabriel se compromete a visitarlas y apoyarlas en  el asesoramiento  en la crianza de animales

Las mujeres agradecieron la visita de los miembros del comité ejecutivo  y esperan que el apoyo brindado siga. 

Actividad extra                                                                          

  Con respecto al equipo de fútbol, nos reunir con tres de sus integrantes. Se les recordó el compromiso asumido con el Pastor Danny Coach (preservar en buenas condiciones el parque central de Pusir Grande).                                                                                                      


Elaborado por:
Eco. Alejandro Pacheco                                                    

Monday, November 4, 2013


En esta comunidad, FEDICE apoyó con un fondo reembolsable de 13,440.00 dólares, que fueron distribuidos para las 20 familias (672 dólares c/u).En Pupana Sur las familias beneficiarias  se dedican a la crianza  porcinos y bovino de leche.

El 24 de octubre culminó el sexto proyecto ejecutado en la comunidad de Pupaná sur –Cotopaxi, la organización  de 20 familias preparó una muy agradable reunión en agradecimiento por todo el asesoramiento, capacitación y fondos recibidos. En esta ocasión al equipo de FEDICE acompañó  la vicepresidenta del comité ejecutivo de la fundación Lic. Digna Chacha (en el centro).

Para el año 2014, esta comunidad iniciará el nuevo proyecto dentro de los cinco ejes (humano, administrativo, legal, económico y tecnológico)  considerados en el actual modelo de intervención formulado por FEDICE para los próximos cinco años. El inicio de las actividades está previsto para los próximos meses.
Para más información usted puede visitar nuestra página web.



In this community, FEDICE helped with a reimbursable fund of 13,440.00 dollars, which were distributed to 20 families (672 dollars each). In Pupana Sur the beneficiary families are dedicated tú the raising of pigs and milk cattle.

The sixth Project executed by the community of Pupana Sur, Cotopaxi came to an end on October 24, and the organization of 20 families prepared a very agreeable meeting in thankfulness for all the help, training and funds received.  On this occasion, the FEDICE team was accompanied by the Vice President of the Executive Committee of the foundation, Lic. Digna Chacha (in the center).

In 2014, this community will start a new Project among the five areas (human, administrative, legal, economic and technological) considered in the present model of intervention formulated by FEDICE for the next five years.  The initiative of the activities is foreseen during the next few months.
For more information, you can visit our web page.


On October 7th, the community of Cochapamba finalized their 6th project, and on that day the women of the organization paid back the fund of  28,000.00 dollars.

Each of the 50 beneficiaries gave back to the reembursable fund the 560 dollars that had been given to them last year with the object of financing the production of White onions, sheep, or beef cattle.

The directors of the organization applied a very effective method to avoid receiving false bills by writing the number of each associate on each bill. 

In this project, the organization increased their capital by 3,000.00 dollars, which they use to make credits to the associates.

For the next agricultural project (which will be number 7) there are plans to install an office for this organization.  The fundamental purpose is to better the productivity in the administration by means of using technology and training.  In the photograph is Engineer Marco Garzón, zoo-technician of FEDICE, and Mrs. María Hortensia Toapanta, president of the Women´s Organization of Cochapamba are showing where the future office is being considered.