December 17, 2013
43 women of the Peace, Development and Equality Organization.
Sebastian Caiza – president of the foundation
Luis Jara – volunteer
Marilyn Cooper – volunteer
Glenn Hebert – volunteer
Alejandro Pacheco – coordinator of projects FEDICE
To celebrate Christmas with the women of the “Peace, Development and Equality” Organization of de Pusir Grande.

1. Previous to the beginning of the Christmas festival, the women arranged the classroom for the meeting in a very responsible manner. They cleaned the classroom, arranging the tables with White tablecloths. In addition, they helped to putt the goodies in the trays. I can say that Little by Little the women are getting better at participating, and we are seeing the enthusiasm that they show in collaborating and getting involved in the activities that are carried out in Pusir.
2. The meeting began with a welcome speech by Mrs. Oberlisa Ogonaga, president of the women’s group, who expressed appreciation for the good will to share with them.
3. Sebastian Caiza, president of the executive committee of FEDICE, expressed that he is very happy that the women of Pusir are working together to change the situation of poverty and marginalization which exists in Pusir.

Hugo manifests that FEDICE, in representation of Pastor Danny Coach, are present with some goodies and bags of candies for the organization of women of Pusir. Today’s program is the result of their good work and cooperation and that above all it shows the appreciation that Pastor Danny has for the women of Pusir.
There was an absence of 4 of the women due to their
work. 43 of the 47 women were present.
4. They played 4 games during the program. Each game was lead by a member of the FEDICE team.
Game no. 1 “The dance of the chair”
Responsible: Luis Jara
Game no. 2, “The dance of the tomato”
Responsible: Sebastian Caiza
Game no. 3, “The race of the guayaba”
Responsible: Sebastian Caiza and Luis Jara
The prize for each game was a sack of candies. There were 6 winners in all (one in the chair dance, two in the tomato dance, one in the guayaba race, and two in the riddles.
5. Giving out the bags of candies. Marilyn, Sebastian and Luis handed out the 50 bags of candies. The women who were not present were represented by their families.
6. Participation of the women. As part of the culture of the village of Pusir, the women gave us various baskets of the fruits that they produce in the área. They said, “You bring us what you have in Quito with such good will, and we want to Exchange with you what we produce in Pusir. Finally they gratefully acknowledged the good gesture extended by Pastor Danny Coach and as always they ratified their promise to not defraud the confidence which has been deposited in them.
7. Other activities
7.1. The check of 500 dollars was not given to Lic. Monica Guamialama due to the fact that in days before we had solicited the list of all the students who had been trained and the themes of the investigations that the students are carrying out, nevertheless we have not received the aforementioned document. By virtue of that fact, we have not given her the check, as the agreement was that she would give us the documents and we would give her the check.
7.2. We did not receive the list of medicines that are needed in the health center. We think that the doctors had left a few hours prior to our arrival.
7.3. In the meeting with the women, we announced the visit of Samie Sadel with a group of 6 people for March 8th to the 14th of 2014
By Hugo Pacheco